Παρασκευή 15 Ιουλίου 2016


Dr. Tsiolis' formula) 

Το GANOPHEN είναι προιόν έρευνας από το RNA institute, που αποτελεί την απαρχή της GANOPHARM . Στο RNA (Reishi Nutri Activity),   εντυπωσιασμένος από τις εξαιρετικές φαρμακολογικές ιδιότητες του GANODERMA lucidumαυτού του αρχαίου και θαυματουργού μανιταριού, γνωστού ανά την υφήλιο με το όνομα REISHI, σχεδίασα μετά από πολλές μελέτες το GANOPHEN
Στόχος μου ήταν να δημιουργήσω ένα σκεύασμα με συμπυκνωμένα εκχυλίσματα από Γανόδερμα βιολογικής καλλιέργειας. 
Ετσι το GANOPHENεμπλουτισμένο ακόμη με Σελήνιο και Ψευδάργυρο, είναι ένα συμπλήρωμα διατροφής με εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα στην ενίσχυση του Ανοσοποιητικού Συστήματος αλλά και στην αντιμετώπιση πολλών ασθενειών. 
Συσκευασμένο σε φυτοκάψουλες των 500 mg, είναι κατάλληλο και για τους VEGAN. Τα Tριτερπένιαοι β-Γλυκάνες, το οργανικό Γερμάνιο και πάνω από 400 βιοενεργά συστατικά μεταξύ των οποίων Βιταμίνες, Ιχνοστοιχεία, Πρωτείνες, Πολυφαινόλες και πολλά άλλα σε συμπυκνωμένη μορφή, καθιστούν το GANOPHEN πολύτιμο σύμμαχο του οργανισμού μας, που τόσο ταλαιπωρείται σήμερα από τις σκληρές συνθήκες ζωής και την κακή διατροφή, καθώς επίσης και την κακή ποιότητα των πρώτων υλών που αγοράζουμε για να ετοιμάσουμε το καθημερινό μας πιάτο.

** διαβάστε τις φαρμακολογικές ιδιότητες του Γανοδέρματος στο βιβλίο του Δρ.Τσιώλη στοwww.ganodermathemiraculous.com

Πέμπτη 7 Ιουλίου 2016


Experience from Ethnomedicine

Tumor diseases are one of the main causes of death worldwide. Experience from Asian and Eastern Europe countries shows that mushrooms could play an important role in prevention and treatment of cancer. Piptoporus betulinus (Bull.: Fr.) P. Karst. was used traditionally in Bohemia for the treatment of rectal cancer and stomach diseases (34). It is also known as fungus of the ‘iceman’ from the Copper Age found in 1991, who carried P. betulinus fruiting bodies attached to his clothing on his journey in the Alps.
In Eastern Europe, the fruiting bodies of I. obliquus have been used as a folk medicine for cancer and stomach diseases since the 16th or 17th century (35). Antitumor effects of several extracts and isolated compounds could be demonstrated in tumor cell systems and in animal assays (36,37). Several triterpenes and ergosterol peroxide contribute to the activity. The melanin complex of I. obliquus has high antioxidant and genoprotective effects on peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of aminodiphenyls (38).
So called ‘immunomodulators’ (biological response modifier, immunopotentiators and immunostimulants) are the most important medicinal mushroom drugs used especially in Japan, China, Korea and other East Asian countries today. They are summarized in the following sections.


Looking and Feeling Younger

How Supplementing with Reishi Mushrooms Can Have You Looking and Feeling Younger
by Dr. Andrea Hejtmanek, Dr. TCM
June 7, 2016
Beauty and health go hand-in-hand. The reishi mushroom shows evidence of promoting youthfulness and vitality, which makes one look and feel more attractive. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), reishi or ling zhi ("spirit plant" or "tree of life mushroom") is a well-known and highly revered medicinal polypore—a kind of wood fungus—that is purported to decrease many effects of aging. It is said to do this by entering, or aiding, 3 of the 5 major organ systems, the Heart, the Lung, and the Liver.
Reishi is thought to help the Heart system, which functions similarly to the heart in western medicine in that it circulates the blood. When the blood is moving well the complexion will be glowing and the facial color more even. If, however, the Heart functions improperly, the skin will not receive vital nutrients and it may become dry or develop broken blood vessels, possibly causing rosacea. Further, reishi is thought to help regulate sleep and to calm the spirit, so it is used for those people who have trouble sleeping from an over-active mind. Some beauty concerns arising when the body is not rejuvenated due to lack of sleep are: puffy or dark under-eye circles, uneven blotchy skin, and the formation of wrinkles. It is thought that the Heart system is in charge of manifesting a beautiful "bloom" in a person’s complexion, and because reishi enters this system directly, it can help remedy problems related to imbalances in this organ.
Reishi is also thought to help regulate the Lung organ system, whose function is to control respiration, which aids in blood flow, digestion, and the dispersing of bodily fluids. The Lung system, when functioning properly, thus helps in hydration. For the face, this means reducing the depth of wrinkles and keeping the skin soft and pliable. The Lung system also plays a role in regulating the immune system, so, by helping the Lung system, reishi can also help in preventing colds, moderating allergies, and reducing any systemic inflammation, as is the case with common skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.
Lastly, Reishi is thought to help in aiding the Liver system, which circulates the free flow of energy in the body, and also regulates the emotions, especially anger. If the Liver is functioning improperly, this will manifest in the skin as age spots, dry skin and hair, dark under-eye circles and photosensitivity. It is adversely affected by environmental toxins, poor quality foods, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain prescription and over the counter drugs. Reishi can therefore bolster the detoxifying capacity of the Liver, making it operate more efficiently and effectively.
Because of its wide effectiveness with several different organ systems and its purported salutary effects on vitality, youthfulness, and beauty, reishi or ling zhi has been one of the most widely prescribed herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Κυριακή 3 Ιουλίου 2016

Above 40??? You Need It!!

When you're above 40 years old, what kind of health problem awaits you? What will happen to your circulatory system, nervous system and immune system? And how Ganoderma herb supports your body throughout your aging process?

Herbs for Circulation

As you grow older, you'll first face problem with your circulatory system. The increase of blood viscosity slows down your blood circulation. Fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride slowly increase and accumulate on your blood vessel wall.
As the deposit on blood vessel wall gets thicker, it leads to circulation diseases such as arteriosclerosis, hardening of coronary artery and thrombosis.
The narrowing of blood vessel and increase of circulation blockage reduces blood flow. Therefore, it prevents good blood supply from reaching the heart. This in turn leads to
  • coronary heart disease
  • pectoris attack
  • angina
  • and changes in artery system.
Certain muscle tissue also age and even deteriorate due to insufficient nutrient from blood supply. This leads to weakening of body organs, causing all sort of diseases.
These are common aging problems most of us face. Can you improve this condition with Ganoderma herb?
Ganoderma Lucidum as herbs for circulation contains Triterpenes which can improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the amount of fatty substances such as cholesterol and triglyceride.
This in turn helps to prevent:
  • heart disease
  • hypertension
  • hardening of coronary artery
  • and other coronary heart diseases.
Studies on mice given intravenous injection of Ganoderma Lucidum herb shown that it can indeed improve blood circulation of cardiac muscle.
Ganoderma herb also helps overcoming cardiac muscle deficiency. Furthermore, it significantly reduce the symptoms of angina pectoris and provide protection for the heart.
The effects mentioned above are consistent with the records of ancient Sheng Nong Herbal Classic “that it cures the accumulation of pathogenic factors in the chest, provides vital energy for heart and mental activity"


Herbs for Nerves

Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system.
It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. In addition, this herb for nerves can also help you to:
  • improve sleep and appetite
  • enhances vital energy
  • improves memory
  • and regain vitality
All these with no side effects at all.
As recorded in Sheng Nong Herbal Classic "Ganoderma can calm one’s mind, enhance wisdom and has no side effects. It is moderate and non toxic"


Herbs for Immune System

Researches showed that Ganoderma Lucidum herb is high in Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides. These are active components that strengthen your immune system.
T-lymphocyte and Macrophage are your important immunity cells.
Immune CellsThe active components of Ganoderma Lucidum herb can strengthen Lymphocyte and Macrophage to destroy abnormal cells like cancer cells.
As a result, it helps in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Besides, Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides can also enhance the composite of Lymphocyte and Macrophage cells individually to release Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and interferon, which further destroy cancer cell.
Research proved that Ganoderma Lucidum herb effectively increase alpha interferon and gamma interferon level in human body to further strengthen and regulate immune system, improving cancer.


Other health benefits

Besides preventing diseases, the strengthening effects of Ganoderma are particularly effective in prevention and improvement of chronic diseases especially common symptoms such as:
This herb also supports the improvement of:


Παρασκευή 1 Ιουλίου 2016


New compounds are being discovered within extracts of Reishi mushroom on a regular basis; at least 3 were identified in late 2012 alone.55 These discoveries are shedding light on Reishi extracts’ remarkable, multi-targeted anti-cancer properties.
Most intriguing are findings that add to our knowledge about Reishi and the phenomenon of immune surveillance. New cancer cells appear in your body every day, but your healthy immune system normally searches these out, quickly activating killer cells to destroy developing cancers before they can form tumors.
Advancing age, coupled with the onset of other chronic illnesses, and exposure to various environmental toxins (and even some medications), means that your immune system’s ability to carry out immune surveillance wanes. And, if just one abnormal, cancer-prone cell escapes detection and destruction, it can develop into a full-blown malignancy with tremendous swiftness.
An evaluation of all available clinical trials on the use of Reishi in cancer treatment was published in June 2012.
While there was insufficient data to demonstrate efficacy Reishi by itself, when Reishi was given alongsideradiation and/or chemotherapy, patients were 50% more likely to respond positively compared to those given chemo/radiation alone. the results in cancer patients receiving Reishi showed the expected increases in immune cells known to enhance tumor response and stimulate host immunity.82
We at Life Extension® look forward to better quality methodological trials to clarify the value of Reishi in adjunctive cancer treatment.
There’s an abundance of data on ways that Reishi extracts boost immune surveillance and enhance detection and elimination of emerging cancer cells from the body.56 And in late 2012, several new studies revealed that these mushrooms have substantially deeper and more advanced mechanisms than had been previously suspected.  The mechanisms of how Reishi identifies and then attacks cancer cells are extremely sophisticated and effective. We know that cancer cells evade immune system surveillance by “hiding” their abnormal surface markers.4 These types of molecular changes not only permit primary cancer to arise, but also contribute to relapses of cancer following chemotherapy.57
Reishi extracts force cancer cells to reveal their telltale markers, flagging them for destruction by immune killer cells.4 At the same time, Reishi extracts induce the production of specific molecules that the immune system needs to complete the killing process.4 Ultimately, Reishi extracts enhance the killing of cancer cells by normal immune killer cells, and reduce the amount of chemotherapy drugs required to finish the job.57,58
In addition to their impressive immune-surveillance-boosting properties, Reishi extracts have numerous other ways of attacking cancer:
  • Reishi compounds, particularly the triterpenes and polysaccharides, limit tumors’ growth rate by blocking the abnormal reproductive cycles of cancer cells.59
  • Some of these compounds are directly toxic to cancer cells, while sparing healthy tissue.60,61
  • Reishi compounds inhibit metastatic processes and decrease the expression of genes involved in cancer cell survival, proliferation, invasion, and metastasis.61
  • Reishi compounds also trigger the programmed cell death called apoptosis that’s suppressed in malignant cells.55,60-62
Together, all of these effects of Reishi mushrooms are shown to reduce the size and growth rates of human tumors, both in animals and in human clinical trials.
The most dramatic impact has been shown in colorectal cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death among cancers that affect both men and women.63
Clinical studies show that Reishi extracts suppress the development of adenomas, which are pre-malignant masses found in the large intestine.64
Remarkable Benefits of Reishi
  • Recent studies show that Reishi mushrooms have hundreds of components in three distinct classes of bioactive molecules, making them ideal for combating the complex and multifactorial diseases we face with advancing age.
  • Reishi extracts prolong life spans in animal experiments by 9 to more than20%.
  • Reishi boosts the immune system’s vigilance against cancer cells, potentially reducing the risk of developing a detectable and deadly tumor.
  • Reishi extracts can suppress an overly vigorous immune response, helping to quell symptoms of allergies, asthma, and autoimmune diseases.
  • Independent of their immune-modulating effects, Reishi mushrooms’ active molecules are showing promise in the battle against neurodegenerative diseases, obesity and diabetes, and liver disease.
  • If there is such a thing as the “ideal” supplement, capable of attacking multiple complex diseases each with multiple causative factors, Reishi mushrooms are surely an outstanding candidate.



Reishi mushrooms have been used for medicinal purposes for at least 2,000 years.37 The mushrooms were known to the ancients as “the mushroom of immortality”37—and for good reason. They had the reputation of promoting health and longevity, boosting the immune system, and reducing the risk of life-shortening conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.38-41 Science has finally validated this traditional wisdom.
Originally, Reishi mushrooms were rare and expensive,38,42 but now advances in cultivation techniques have made these medicinal mushrooms more available which has led to an explosion of research on their properties and components.38,42
Studies have shown that Reishi mushrooms can contribute to longer life spans.1,2 They can help manage some of today’s most troubling age-related conditions, including autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, liver disease, cancer, and more.
How is it that this simple mushroom can have such wide-ranging health effects? Keep in mind that there isn’t one single cause of aging and disease. Numerous factors contribute to these conditions—meaning that in order to combat them, you need to fight them from a multi-targeted approach. That’s exactly what makes Reishi mushrooms so powerful. The mushroom itself contains hundreds of biologically active molecules—all of which work together to have such broad-reaching health benefits.37

Researchers have identified three specific compounds that are essential to Reishi’s powerful antioxidant and antiaging effects:
  1. Polysaccharides have anticancer effects based on their ability to prevent abnormal blood vessel formation, and to boost immune system function.40,42
  2. Triterpenes protect the liver, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent platelet clumping that leads to heart attack and stroke, fight allergic responses triggered by histamine, and also possess anticancer activity.42
  3. Ganoderma lucidum peptide is a unique protein that has remarkably potent antioxidant characteristics that are still being unraveled.43
But what makes Reishi mushroom beneficial to so many varied aspects of your health is its actions on many different targets in your body. The actions triggered by Reishi mushrooms produce important changes that may contribute to their promotion of longevity. Reishi extracts are known to:
  • Protect cellular DNA from oxidant damage that causes aging and cancer.44
  • Protect mitochondrial DNA and the mitochondria themselves from oxidant damage that weakens their energy-producing abilities and makes them inefficient, another major cause of aging.45-47
  • Increase levels and activity of a large suite of natural intracellular antioxidant molecules, resulting in reduced oxidation of cell membranes and organelles that lead to aging and its related diseases.38,48
  • Protect kidney tubule cells from oxidant damage that leads to kidney failure.49
  • Increase expression of a key longevity gene and promote an increased life span in species ranging from yeasts, to primitive worms, to mammals such as mice.1,2,50,51
Several studies have shown that Reishi is one of the most powerful mushrooms with regard to antioxidant characteristics.52,53 Reishi mushrooms boost total antioxidant capacity, an important measure of the vigor with which they fight oxidant damage.52,54
In a human study, Reishi mushrooms were given to healthy volunteers as a single 1,100 mg dose.54 Plasma antioxidant capacity rose rapidly to a peak at 90 minutes, while urine antioxidant capacity (a measure of what has been in the body) rose by 29% after 3 hours. Neither study showed any evidence of toxicity or side effects.39
Reishi’s many mechanisms of action are what allow it to have such a dramatic impact on such a wide array of age-related health threats. Let’s now look at some of the most promising areas of research.

